Looking for the latest news, stories, tips and local knowledge to help plan your trip? Discover what is happening on the Hunter Valley Grapevine.

Six new must-do cellar doors in the Hunter Valley

Six new must-do cellar doors in the Hunter Valley

With so many cellar doors and wineries, you are truly spoilt for choice in the Hunter Valley. Next time you plan on visiting us, be sure to check out these brand new or recently renovated cellar doors here in the region.

Associated operator(s)

  • 62607, 22299, 142380, 62730, 22213
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1835 Hits

Stay and Play: Summer Accommodation Deals in the Hunter Valley

Stay and Play: Summer Accommodation Deals in the Hunter Valley

Summer is officially underway and what better way to welcome the warm weather than a cheeky getaway to start the year. As the warm breeze ushers in the season, dive into a getaway that suits your style, from family-friendly resorts to luxurious retreats, all nestled in the heart of the Hunter Valley. Check out some of the stay deals for Summer below.

Associated operator(s)

  • 99293, 142440, 93825, 52146, 25393, 58396,
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1899 Hits

Giddy Up in the Hunter Valley this Melbourne Cup

Giddy Up in the Hunter Valley this Melbourne Cup

Horse racing aficionados insist that the iconic race that brings the nation to a standstill deserves a celebration that is truly exceptional. That's why we've curated a guide highlighting some of the finest experiences in the Hunter Valley.

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Discover the Hunter Valley Ale Trail

Discover the Hunter Valley Ale Trail

While the Hunter Valley has long been celebrated for its wining and dining experiences, the craft beer scene is hot on the rise, offering a delightful array of delicious and refreshing ales crafted by a handful of skilled brewers.

Associated operator(s)

  • 56702, 139690, 75416, 128527, 128530, 56695, 141511
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1541 Hits

Behind the scenes Winery Tours

Behind the scenes Winery Tours

This time of year the Hunter Valley is buzzing with action as harvest and vintage take place across our vineyards and wineries. If you’re visiting the region over the next few weeks you may come across large groups of pickers out at dawn until dusk harvesting this year’s crops, or tractors on the roads transporting tonnes of fruit from the vineyard to be crushed in the winery. Whatever the activity - it usually means vintage and with it, a crop of new whites and reds to enjoy. There is no better time to partake in a behind the scenes winery tour whilst the wineries are in full swing with their work.

Associated operator(s)

  • 57022,56677,62607,56690,139652
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2786 Hits


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